Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 2010--Tybee Island Vacation

For our yearly beach get away (3 sisters-in-law and children---no husbands) we decided to change from our usual Garden City, SC and try a new place. We decided on Tybee Island, Ga. It came with good reviews from friends. We rented a house at the north end of the island and headed down. As we were driving down, the sky darkened and by the time we got to Savannah it was raining so hard we couldn't see to drive. The thunder and lightening was horrible. The house we rented promised lots of room and had a basement with a home theater and that was to be Jacob and his friend, Brian Kahn's hangout. When we arrived, Saturday evening in the pouring rain, the basement had about 4 inches of water standing in it. That seemed to set the tone (or at least my attitude) for Tybee Island.
The house (or at least what didn't have water standing in it) was very nice and much more spacious than 'Recharge Inn' in Garden City. It had two decks and a long board walk out though the marsh to the water. The house was advertised as 'ocean front' However, being at the north end of the island, it was river front instead of ocean front. You could see the ocean from the upstairs balcony but at the end of the board walk was the Savannah River. The kids couldn't play in the water because it was very silty and crabs kept biting their toes and there were no waves.
On Sunday, the rental company came and sucked out the water in the basement and put fans down there to dry the carpet. The moldy, wet carpet smell was bad and the fans were so loud you couldn't hear over the noise in the basement. Jacob and Brian still slept down there even with water on the floor. The fans made it sound proof down there at night but they kept turning them off during the day. It smelled all week and when we got home, all their things smelled equally bad.
In order to enjoy the beach, we had to load everyone (and everything) up in two vehicles and drive to the public beaches and pay parking meters and carry everything a block or two to the water. If we came home for lunch, we had to repeat this procedure again in the afternoon.
There is no entertainment for the older kids on Tybee Island. No putt-putt, shows, or even fast food restaurants. There were no franchaised restaurants at all. Only local. There wasn't even anywhere to shop with out going to Savannah. Lora, Amanda, Jacob and Brian went to Savannah once in search of shopping and food.
The highlight of the trip was Captain Mikes Dolphin Tour. It was very entertaining and informative. We saw LOTS of dolphins. Jeffrey had his own money and really wanted to do the jet ski rental. I was worried about him going by himself and didn't really want to go with him. My sweet sister-in-law, Kim, volunteered to go. Jeff had a blast and Kim said she had fun as well. I was grateful to her for going with him.
Our evening entertainment was doing "Just Dance" on the Wii. Good exercise and hilarious.
The week definitely improved after that first rainy night, but overall, I wasn't impressed with Tybee Island and probably won't go back.

Sheri and girls at Tybee Lighthouse
Kim and boys at Tybee Lighthouse
Addie, Ingrid, Carson and Weston playing in the surf
Carson and Weston

Tybee Island photo shoot

Addie and Ingrid had a photo shoot on the beach using Lora's camera. Here are some of their shots:

Jumping Jeff

Lora and Amanda-following directions and posing...
More posing.....

Tybee Island and Captain Mike's Dolphin Tours


Looking down from the balcony on the rest of the gang doing "Just Dance" on the Wii.

A Video of "Just Dance"

Captain Mike's Dolphin Tour
There were lots of dolphins and they could be seen all over. This was a couple that were swimming around the tour boat.

There were lots of shrimp boats and the dolphins (and sea gulls) love to follow them.

Tybee Island, continued

Jeff on the tour boat. After this, he and Kim rented jet ski's and rode for an hour. He had a blast. This was something he really wanted to do.
Tybee Island Lighthouse from the Dolphin Tour boat
Jacob cheesin'
Weston on the tour boat

Jacob and his friend, Brian Kahn

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Oops....Haven't been here in a while. Animals, garden, and work have kept us very busy. The garden is coming in now. We have been enjoying lots of delicious tomato sandwiches. Tomato sandwiches have been taken to a whole new level with addition of fresh basil pesto. Yum!!! The Cornish Rock Cross chickens have been raised and butchered. We lost almost a third of these chickens due to the extreme heat. It was triple digit temps here for at least week the middle of the month. We ended up butchering 98 out of 150 chickens. The other 300 chickens are growing and doing well. Running around the yard and scratching for bugs. Jacob has gotten his drivers license so he has been able to drive himself to REACH drama classes. Those classes only lasted 2 weeks so now he is staying up too late(or early) at night and sleeping too late in the morning. Jeff is still sleeping in his tent. He only missed one night due to the extreme heat and humidity. After a rain storm last week he moved his camp site to higher ground. He has covered the tent with mosquito netting so he can sleep with the end flaps open for more ventilation. Lora is still working at Piggly Wiggly but looking for a better paying job. She sent out about 30 resumes but nothing has worked out so far. Russell has been advertising on Craigslist for someone who wants cedar trees to come and cut ours down. He wants all the cedar trees surrounding our field taken down as he is planning to fence the field in the near future. Several people have come and cut quite a few trees but you can hardly tell it. When all the trees are gone, we may have to change the name of our farm as most of our "sunny cedars" will be gone! Well, this has been life on the farm for June...raising food, animals and trying to stay cool!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Shawfest 2010

Saturday we spent the day at Shaw Air Force Base watching an airshow. It was a very warm, sunny day (around 90 degrees) but there was a nice breeze and a beautiful blue sky. We knew the traffic would be bad because it was expect there would be about 70,000 people there. We rode a shuttle bus from the mall and were dropped just outside the hangar. That was much better than fighting traffic and walking to the flightline. We met Amber and Loren Purcell, Nate Purcell and Joe Singleton and the workers, Jim Holt and Warren Harper on the flightline around noon. There were lots of interesting shows and air demonstrations such as Wing Walking and Air Ballet but the main attractions was the U.S. Airforce Thunderbirds. They started their show around 3:30 and it was as good as always. The F-16 is an amazing plane and certainly puts you in awe of the US Airforce. We had a very enjoyable day and only got a little sunburned. Getting off the base was more diffcult that getting on due to communication problems as to where to load the buses going to different places. We had a very nice day but the air conditioning felt good in the van!

Shawfest 2010

Thunderbirds preparing to fly.

All eyes on the sky

Amber and her friend, Amanda

Jeff and Warren Harper