Monday, May 10, 2010

Shawfest 2010

Saturday we spent the day at Shaw Air Force Base watching an airshow. It was a very warm, sunny day (around 90 degrees) but there was a nice breeze and a beautiful blue sky. We knew the traffic would be bad because it was expect there would be about 70,000 people there. We rode a shuttle bus from the mall and were dropped just outside the hangar. That was much better than fighting traffic and walking to the flightline. We met Amber and Loren Purcell, Nate Purcell and Joe Singleton and the workers, Jim Holt and Warren Harper on the flightline around noon. There were lots of interesting shows and air demonstrations such as Wing Walking and Air Ballet but the main attractions was the U.S. Airforce Thunderbirds. They started their show around 3:30 and it was as good as always. The F-16 is an amazing plane and certainly puts you in awe of the US Airforce. We had a very enjoyable day and only got a little sunburned. Getting off the base was more diffcult that getting on due to communication problems as to where to load the buses going to different places. We had a very nice day but the air conditioning felt good in the van!

Shawfest 2010

Thunderbirds preparing to fly.

All eyes on the sky

Amber and her friend, Amanda

Jeff and Warren Harper

Shawfest 2010

Jim Holt

Loren and Nate Purcell awed by the show!

Showing off the Thunderbird design on the bottom of the plane as they go by in a knife edge pass.

4 Thunderbirds in flight

Thunderbirds lined up on the flightline after the show

Shawfest 2010

All 6 Thunderbirds flying in classic formation.

A lone Thunderbird
Jeff at a display

Jeff on a jet

Jeff at a static display

Jeff's tent

Jeff ordered a US Army surplus pup tent from E-Bay for $8. He has had a great time getting it all set up and sleeping under the stars. He says the fresh air makes him sleep better. He has slept in his tent everynight but one for almost 2 weeks. It rained one night but he stayed dry with the rain fly he put over the tent.