Saturday, July 3, 2010


Oops....Haven't been here in a while. Animals, garden, and work have kept us very busy. The garden is coming in now. We have been enjoying lots of delicious tomato sandwiches. Tomato sandwiches have been taken to a whole new level with addition of fresh basil pesto. Yum!!! The Cornish Rock Cross chickens have been raised and butchered. We lost almost a third of these chickens due to the extreme heat. It was triple digit temps here for at least week the middle of the month. We ended up butchering 98 out of 150 chickens. The other 300 chickens are growing and doing well. Running around the yard and scratching for bugs. Jacob has gotten his drivers license so he has been able to drive himself to REACH drama classes. Those classes only lasted 2 weeks so now he is staying up too late(or early) at night and sleeping too late in the morning. Jeff is still sleeping in his tent. He only missed one night due to the extreme heat and humidity. After a rain storm last week he moved his camp site to higher ground. He has covered the tent with mosquito netting so he can sleep with the end flaps open for more ventilation. Lora is still working at Piggly Wiggly but looking for a better paying job. She sent out about 30 resumes but nothing has worked out so far. Russell has been advertising on Craigslist for someone who wants cedar trees to come and cut ours down. He wants all the cedar trees surrounding our field taken down as he is planning to fence the field in the near future. Several people have come and cut quite a few trees but you can hardly tell it. When all the trees are gone, we may have to change the name of our farm as most of our "sunny cedars" will be gone! Well, this has been life on the farm for June...raising food, animals and trying to stay cool!