Monday, February 22, 2010

Well...a new blog. A clean blank page on which to record everyday happenings and memorable events. So with this white space before me, my mind has gone blank. I don't think I'm a computer whiz but I don't think I'm completely incompetent with them either. But there are some things computer related that are so much easier to beg one of the kids to do than to take the time to figure out for myself. Today, I took a deep breath and found the courage to do three computer related things that I usually would try to get Jacob or Lora to do. 1) I loaded pictures on a memory card and got the digital picture frame that has been in the box collecting dust up and running. (That wasn't so hard) 2) I called tech support for the D-link router (please, Jacob, won't you call them for me, PLEASE?). This one took a lot of courage. I hate talking to those people..even when they are attempting to speak English, I can't understand what they are saying. I spent three hours on the phone and we reset, reconfigured and reprogrammed the router only to find it was a very simple problem with my computer, not their router. Exhausting! 3) I set up this blogspot without assistance from one of my children. (This one wasn't so bad either). So, while today was uneventful, it wasn't without accomplishment)

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