Monday, March 15, 2010

Weekend at Ron and Cindy's 3-13-10 --Sat am BBQ pics

We have had a great weekend with Ron and Cindy. We went up Friday night and stayed till Sunday afternoon. Jacob had drama things going on so he stayed home to do that and feed the dogs. We went by Columbia and picked up Lora and got to Ron and Cindy's about 9pm. Jacob called about 9:30 when he got home from drama and was locked out of the house. After much consternation, we decided for him to try to get off the storm window on one of the screen porch windows. The storm window broke (which was ok) and with Papa's help, they got the window pried open and he was able to get in the house.
Saturday, Ron and Cindy took us to Charlotte to ride the new Lynx lightrail commuter train and visit the Museum of the New South. We happened upon a St. Patrick's day parade and stopped to watch. The weather was beautiful and we had a really nice day.
On the way to Charlotte Saturday morning, we stopped to see Cindy's brother-in-law Tim who was cooking 116 Boston Butts for a church fundraiser. He and his Dad had built the gas grill with electric rotisserie and smoke box. It was complete with piggy decoration. Russell was impressed.
Boston Butts cooking
decorative piggy on top
motor for totisserie
smoker box for hickory logs

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