Monday, April 26, 2010

April 8- new chicks

Russell and Jeff went to the post office this morning and pick up 800 chicks. I think the postal employees were glad to have them off their dock. 800 chicks make a lot of noise! 300 of the chicks went home with a friend, Todd Brown. Russell and Jeff had the job of unboxing the remaining 500 chicks. They were divided up in to 12 brooder boxes with heat lamps to keep them warm and food and sugar water. We have 100 Cornish Rock Cross chicks which will be our meat chickens and 50 Golden Comets that will be our laying chickens. The rest will be to sell.

A cute little Barred Rock chick.

A handful of fluff...2 Cornish Rock Chicks in Jeffs hands

Trying out the new watering system we installed this spring.

Happy chicks staying warm in the brooder pen.

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