Friday, April 23, 2010

Pig kissing 3/2010

Sunny Cedars Farm provided the pig for the Tuomey pig kissing contest. This is an annual fundraiser for the March of Dimes. A dollar will buy one vote for your favorite Tuomey employee. The 5 employees with the most votes get to kiss a pig. March 26, we caught Miss Penny and brought her in the house and gave her a good scrubbing. Once with "people shampoo" and once with dog shampoo. She really objected to being in the water but she sort of liked the scrubbing. Dr Grier was the recipient of the most votes.

Miss Penny after her spa treatment.

Comforting a nervous piggy.

Dana Oxendine from L&D and her daughter, Marley who wanted to kiss the pig, as well.

Dr. Grier holding Penny.

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